Get beatmap scores

The getBeatmapScores method on a LegacyClient instance makes a GET request to the get_scores endpoint and returns an array of scores on a beatmap.


const scores = await legacyApi.getBeatmapScores({
  b: 131891


paramsGetBeatmapScoresParamsThe request’s URL parameters
params.bnumberScores from a beatmap with a specific beatmap ID
params.ustring | numberScores from a user with a specific user ID or username
params.mGameModeScores from a specific gamemode
params.limitnumberLimit amount of scores to return (100 max.)
params.typeUserTypeSpecify if u is a user ID (id) or a username (string)




Possible Exceptions

See the error handling documentation for more information.

  • invalid_json_syntax
  • network_error
  • unexpected_response

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