enum ModsEnum {
NF = 1,
EZ = 2,
TD = 4,
HD = 8,
HR = 16,
SD = 32,
DT = 64,
RX = 128,
HT = 256,
NC = 512,
FL = 1024,
AT = 2048,
SO = 4096,
AP = 8192,
PF = 16384,
K4 = 32768,
K5 = 65536,
K6 = 131072,
K7 = 262144,
K8 = 524288,
FI = 1048576,
RN = 2097152,
CN = 4194304,
TR = 8388608,
K9 = 16777216,
KC = 33554432,
K1 = 67108864,
K3 = 134217728,
K2 = 268435456,
SV2 = 536870912,
MR = 1073741824
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