Safe Parse

If the current API returns an unsuccessful response, osu.js treats this as an exception (in other words, it throws an error), as it means that the return type is no longer accurate. If you wish to utilize the response even if it wasn’t successful, you can use Client.safeParse alongside whatever request you wish to parse without throwing a OsuJSUnexpectedResponseError error.


let request!: SafeParse<UserExtended>;

try {
  request = await client.safeParse(
    // Do not await this
} catch (err) {
  if (isOsuJSError(err) && err.type === 'unexpected_response') {
    // This case will never happen, because `safeParse` makes it so the `getUser` method doesn't throw an 'unexpected_response' error

if (request.success) {
  const user: UserExtended =;
  // Do stuff with the user data...
} else {
  const response: Response = request.response;
  // Do stuff with the response...


SafeParse is the return type for the Client.safeParse method, and it has 2 type parameters. Reference.

  • TData: The expected type if the request is successful (the value for in the above example).
  • TUsePolyfillResponse: Defaults to false. If set to true, the response is of type Response coming from the node-fetch package instead of the native Response (the value for request.response in the above example), useful for environments that don’t support the native fetch API.

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